Contact Branimir

User’s comments help improve the content of this web site, and I appreciate your feedback. If you would like to ask a question or send a comment about images or information presented here, please get in touch by

Phone: 306-220-5703

E-mail: branimir.g [at]

Regular mail:mailbox

Dr. Branimir Gjetvaj
815 Reid Rd, Suite 314
Saskatoon, SK  S7N 2W8

Or by using the handy form below (sorry for the Captcha skill-testing question – it is implemented to reduce spam mail reaching my Inbox).

red pointer - important information I can e-mail low resolution images or prepare a customized digital portfolio for review.  If you are requesting a quote for commercial or editorial use, please provide information about the publication type (media in which the image will appear), size of reproduction (full page, 1/2 page, 1/4 page), position (cover page, inside), quantity of distribution (circulation, press run), and territory of distribution.


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